
General rules

Our ASYNC1xx rules check for semantic problems ranging from fatal errors (e.g. 101), to idioms for clearer code (e.g. 116).


A timeout context does not contain any checkpoints. This makes it pointless, as the timeout can only be triggered by a checkpoint. This check also treats yield as a checkpoint, since checkpoints can happen in the caller we yield to. trio.open_nursery() and anyio.create_task_group() are excluded, as they are schedule points but not cancel points (unless they have tasks started in them). See ASYNC912 which will in addition guarantee checkpoints on every code path.


yield inside a TaskGroup / Nursery or timeout context is only safe when implementing a context manager - otherwise, it breaks exception handling. See this thread for discussion of a future PEP. This has substantial overlap with ASYNC119, which will warn on almost all instances of ASYNC101, but ASYNC101 is about a conceptually different problem that will not get resolved by PEP 533.


await inside finally, cancelled-catching except:, or __aexit__ must have shielded cancel scope with timeout. If not, the async call will immediately raise a new cancellation, suppressing any cancellation that was caught. See ASYNC120 for the general case where other exceptions might get suppressed. This is currently not able to detect asyncio shields.


Cancelled / CancelledError-catching exception that does not reraise the exception. If you don’t want to re-raise BaseException, add a separate handler for Cancelled / CancelledError before.


Cancelled / CancelledError-catching exception does not raise the exception. Triggered on return or raising a different exception.


async trio function called without using await. This is only supported with trio functions, but you can get similar functionality with a type-checker.


trio/anyio/asyncio must be imported with import xxx for the linter to work.


Async function definition with a timeout parameter. In structured concurrency the caller should instead use timeout context managers.


while ...: await [trio/anyio].sleep() should be replaced by a trio.Event/anyio.Event.


Variable, from context manager opened inside TaskGroup / Nursery, passed to start[_soon] might be invalidly accessed while in use, due to context manager closing before the nursery. This is usually a bug, and nurseries should generally be the inner-most context manager.


TaskGroup / Nursery body with only a call to .start[_soon] and not passing itself as a parameter can be replaced with a regular function call.


Using start_soon()/start_soon() in __aenter__ doesn’t wait for the task to begin. Consider replacing with start()/start(). This will only warn about functions listed in ASYNC114 or known from Trio. If you’re starting a function that does not define task_status, then neither will trigger.


Startable function (i.e. has a task_status keyword parameter) not in –startable-in-context-manager parameter list, please add it so ASYNC113 can catch errors when using it.


Replace trio.sleep(0)/anyio.sleep(0) with the more suggestive trio.lowlevel.checkpoint()/anyio.lowlevel.checkpoint().


trio.sleep()/anyio.sleep() with >24 hour interval should usually be trio.sleep_forever()/anyio.sleep_forever().


Don’t assign the value of anyio.get_cancelled_exc_class() to a variable, since that breaks linter checks and multi-backend programs.


yield in context manager in async generator is unsafe, the cleanup may be delayed until await is no longer allowed. We strongly encourage you to read PEP 533 and use async with aclosing(…), or better yet avoid async generators entirely (see ASYNC900 ) in favor of context managers which return an iterable channel/stream/queue.


Dangerous Checkpoint inside an except block. If this checkpoint is cancelled, the current active exception will be replaced by the Cancelled exception, and cannot be reraised later. This will not trigger when ASYNC102 does, and if you don’t care about losing non-cancelled exceptions you could disable this rule. This is currently not able to detect asyncio shields.

ASYNC121: control-flow-in-taskgroup

return, continue, and break inside a TaskGroup / Nursery can lead to counterintuitive behaviour. Refactor the code to instead cancel the cancel scope inside the TaskGroup/Nursery and place the statement outside of the TaskGroup/Nursery block. In asyncio a user might expect the statement to have an immediate effect, but it will wait for all tasks to finish before having an effect. See Trio issue #1493 for further issues specific to trio/anyio.

ASYNC122: delayed-entry-of-relative-cancelscope

trio.move_on_after(), trio.fail_after(), anyio.move_on_after() and anyio.fail_after() behaves unintuitively if initialization and entry are separated, with the timeout starting on initialization. Trio>=0.27 changes this behaviour, so if you don’t support older versions you should disable this check. See Trio issue #2512.

ASYNC123: bad-exception-group-flattening

Raising one of the exceptions contained in an exception group will mutate it, replacing the original .__context__ with the group, and erasing the .__traceback__. Dropping this information makes diagnosing errors much more difficult. We recommend raise SomeNewError(...) from group if possible; or consider using copy.copy to shallow-copy the exception before re-raising (for copyable types), or re-raising the error from outside the except block.

ASYNC124: async-function-could-be-sync

Triggers when an async function contain none of await, async for or async with. Calling an async function is slower than calling regular functions, so if possible you might want to convert your function to be synchronous. This currently overlaps with ASYNC910 and ASYNC911 which, if enabled, will autofix the function to have Checkpoint. This excludes class methods as they often have to be async for other reasons, if you really do want to check those you could manually run ASYNC910 and/or ASYNC911 and check the methods they trigger on.

Blocking sync calls in async functions

Our 2xx lint rules warn you to use the async equivalent for slow sync calls which would otherwise block the event loop (and therefore cause performance problems, or even deadlock).


User-configured error for blocking sync calls in async functions. Does nothing by default, see async200-blocking-calls for how to configure it.


Sync HTTP call in async function, use httpx.AsyncClient. This and the other ASYNC21x checks look for usage of urllib3 and httpx.Client, and recommend using httpx.AsyncClient as that’s the largest http client supporting anyio/trio.


Likely sync HTTP call in async function, use httpx.AsyncClient. Looks for urllib3 method calls on pool objects, but only matching on the method signature and not the object.


Blocking sync HTTP call on httpx object, use httpx.AsyncClient.


Sync call to subprocess.Popen (or equivalent) in async function, use trio.run_process()/anyio.run_process()/asyncio.create_subprocess_[exec/shell] in a TaskGroup / Nursery.


Sync call to (or equivalent) in async function, use trio.run_process()/anyio.run_process()/asyncio.create_subprocess_[exec/shell].


Sync call to os.wait() (or equivalent) in async function, wrap in trio.to_thread.run_sync()/anyio.to_thread.run_sync()/asyncio.loop.run_in_executor().


Sync call to open() in async function, use trio.open_file()/anyio.open_file(). asyncio users need to use a library such as aiofiles, or switch to anyio.


Sync call to os.fdopen() in async function, use trio.wrap_file()/anyio.wrap_file(). asyncio users need to use a library such as aiofiles, or switch to anyio.


Blocking sync call on file object, wrap the file object in trio.wrap_file()/anyio.wrap_file() to get an async file object.


Avoid using os.path in async functions, prefer using trio.Path/anyio.Path objects. asyncio users should consider aiopath or anyio.


Builtin input() should not be called from async function. Wrap in trio.to_thread.run_sync()/anyio.to_thread.run_sync() or asyncio.loop.run_in_executor().


time.sleep() should not be called from async function. Use trio.sleep()/anyio.sleep()/asyncio.sleep().

Asyncio-specific rules

Asyncio encourages structured concurrency, with asyncio.TaskGroup, but does not require it. We therefore provide some additional lint rules for common problems - although we’d also recommend a gradual migration to AnyIO, which is much less error-prone.


Calling asyncio.create_task() without saving the result. A task that isn’t referenced elsewhere may get garbage collected at any time, even before it’s done. Note that this rule won’t check whether the variable the result is saved in is susceptible to being garbage-collected itself. See the asyncio documentation for best practices. You might consider instead using a TaskGroup and calling asyncio.TaskGroup.create_task() to avoid this problem, and gain the advantages of structured concurrency with e.g. better cancellation semantics.

Optional rules disabled by default

Our 9xx rules check for semantics issues, like 1xx rules, but are disabled by default due to the higher volume of warnings. We encourage you to enable them - without guaranteed Checkpoints timeouts and cancellation can be arbitrarily delayed, and async generators are prone to the problems described in PEP 789 and PEP 533.


Async generator without @asynccontextmanager not allowed. You might want to enable this on a codebase since async generators are inherently unsafe and cleanup logic might not be performed. See PEP 789 for control-flow problems, PEP 533 for delayed cleanup problems. Further decorators can be registered with the --transform-async-generator-decorators config option, e.g. @trio_util.trio_async_generator.


Exit or return from async function with no guaranteed Checkpoint or exception since function definition. You might want to enable this on a trio/anyio codebase to make it easier to reason about checkpoints, and make the logic of ASYNC911 correct.


Exit, yield or return from async iterable with no guaranteed Checkpoint since possible function entry (yield or function definition).


A timeout/cancelscope has cancel points, but they’re not guaranteed to run. Similar to ASYNC100, but it does not warn on trivial cases where there is no cancel point at all. It instead shares logic with ASYNC910 and ASYNC911 for parsing conditionals and branches.


An indefinite loop (e.g. while True) has no guaranteed checkpoint. This could potentially cause a deadlock. This will also error if there’s no guaranteed cancel point, where even though it won’t deadlock the loop might become an uncancelable dry-run loop.

Autofix support

The following rules support autofixing.

Removed rules

  • TRIOxxx: All error codes are now renamed ASYNCxxx

  • TRIO107: Renamed to TRIO910

  • TRIO108: Renamed to TRIO911

  • TRIO117: “Don’t raise or catch trio.[NonBase]MultiError, prefer [exceptiongroup.]BaseExceptionGroup.” MultiError was removed in trio==0.24.0.